Tomorrowland 2020 Absage – Electronic Festival erst wieder in 2021

An den letzten beiden Juliwochenenden sollte wie in jedem Jahr das beliebte, belgische Electronic Music-Festival – das Tomorrowland 2020 – an den Start gehen. Dafür wollten knapp 180.000 Musikfans aus der ganzen Welt in die kleine Stadt Boom bei Antwerpen pilgern. Doch die aktuell unsichere Lage rund um alle Auswirkungen des Coronavirus (COVID-19) sorgen dafür, dass alle kleinen und großen Veranstaltungen längerfristig nicht planmäßig stattfinden können. Das Land Dänemark hat nun über die weiteren Maßnahmen zur Pandemie-Eindämmung entschieden, das Großveranstaltungen bis 31. August 2020 nicht zugelassen werden können, da diese noch ein zu großes Verbreitungsrisiko beinhalten.

Schweren Herzens haben sich daher nun die Veranstalter des beliebten Open-Air Event mit einem Statement und der offiziellen Absage vom Tomorrowland 2020 gemeldet. Für die aktuelle Ausgabe waren bereits Künstler wie Armin Van Buuren, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Martin Garrix, Marshmello, Martin Garrix, Carl Cox, Scooter, Eric Prydz, Fedde Le Grand, Robin Schulz, Sven Väth, Steve Aoki und viele weitere gebucht. Einen Termin zum Nachholen der großen Festivalausgabe wird es leider nicht geben, erst im kommenden Jahr 2021 geht das Tomorrowland wieder an den Start, und zwar vom 16. bis 18. Juli sowie vom 3. bis 25. Juli 2021!

Was passiert mit meinen Tickets?

Alle, die für das Tomorrowland 2020 ein Ticket vorab gekauft haben, werden in Kürze vom Veranstalter per E-Mail benachrichtigt! So wurde es in der offiziellen Pressemeldung verkündet. Genauere Informationen zur Rückabwicklung der Tickets und eurem bereits bezahlten Geld bekommt ihr dann natürlich auch.

Wir hoffen mit euch allen, dass sich die Lage weltweit bald wieder etwas entspannt und wir alle wieder der Leidenschaft für Livemusik, Konzerte und Festivals nachgehen können. Bleibt gesund und gebt auf euch acht!

Tomorrowland 2020 – Offizielles Statement

Dear World,
The People of Tomorrow has been a large, lively, and warm global community for more than 15 years. We share the same passion: listening to great music, discovering magnificent places, making new friends from all over the world, enjoying life to the fullest, and looking after each other as one big family. It makes us unique. It makes us who we are in everyday life. And it ensures that we can overcome the greatest challenges together.

Tomorrowland 2020 had all the ingredients to become one of the most outstanding editions: unseen creative ideas, brand-new indoor and outdoor concepts, an amazing lineup, and – as always – the most beautiful international crowd in the world.

Unfortunately, due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak, these are exceptional times for all of us. In recent weeks, we have had a lot of consultation with the local and national government in Belgium and with a panel of international experts about the two festival weekends we are all so passionate about. It’s our mission to unite souls from all over the world, but it’s also our top priority to look after the well-being, health, and safety of the People of Tomorrow, our partners and suppliers, our neighbours, the artists, and our team.

With a lot of pain in our hearts, we have to inform you that Tomorrowland cannot take place in 2020. We understand and support the governmental order that has just been issued. The 16th edition of Tomorrowland will take place in the summer of 2021 (July 16–18 and July 23–25).

This situation is extremely hard on us all. As a community, we are sad, disappointed, and angry – but also hopeful, because we know that we are much stronger than this setback. What we started together in 2005 became a strong global symbol. We will triumph together and will continue to unite.

But first we have to ensure that the event industry overcomes this. Tomorrowland – just like all other major events – is only possible thanks to a network of hundreds of suppliers and thousands of collaborators, working for over a year toward our beloved festival. A lot of talented artists, creative companies, and hardworking and passionate people – including our own team – are now in the eye of the storm and are going through difficult times. We will need to be resilient, support each other, and be flexible to ensure there will still be an event industry at all.

Anyone who was planning to experience Tomorrowland in July 2020 will now have dozens of questions. That makes perfect sense, and we fully understand. 

Every Main Buyer will be contacted by email and within the Tomorrowland Account with more specific information in the following days. 

Despite the enormous disappointment, we would like to call on everyone again to follow their local government’s guidelines closely. Stay at home, wash your hands, and keep your distance from one another. Do it for yourself, your loved ones, and the exceptional medical staff all over the world who are working around the clock.

Take good care of each other and stay safe.
Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever.