Vom 1. bis 4. Juli wollte das beliebte belgische Festival Rock Werchter 2021 wieder im Städtchen Werchter in der Gemeinde Rotselaar an den Start gehen. Dafür wollten 80.000 Besucher*innen dorthin pilgern und vier Tage lang Musik von internationalen und nationalen Künstlern erleben. Leider musste bereits die Ausgabe 2020 aufgrund der Auswirkungen rund um das Coronavirus (COVID-19) abgesagt werden.
Nun ist es traurige Gewissheit – die weltweite Lage in Bezug auf das Pandemie-Geschehen hat sich noch immer nicht beruhigt, im Gegenteil. Der Festivalsommer 2021 wird daher erneut ins Wasser fallen … Schweren Herzens hat sich der Veranstalter aus diesem Grund mit einem Statement und der offiziellen Rock Werchter 2021 Absage gemeldet.
Das Rockfestival hatte bereits bisher noch keine Künstler für dieses Jahr bekanntgegeben, versprach aber wie die Jahr zuvor natürlich ein grandioses Line-up nationaler und internationaler Top-Acts. Einen Termin zum Nachholen wird es leider nicht geben, erst im kommenden Jahr 2022 kehrt das Rock Werchter wieder zurück – der Termin wird dann vom 30. Juni bis 3. Juli 2022 sein!
Was passiert mit meinen-Tickets?
Alle, die für das Rock Werchter 2021 schon ein Ticket vorab gekauft hatten, es gibt gute News: Eure Tickets für die nächste Ausgabe behalten ihre Gültigkeit! Wie das genau von statten geht und auch wie man an neue Tickets kommt, erklären euch die Veranstalter ausführlich auf: www.rockwerchter.be
Wir hoffen mit euch allen, dass sich die Lage weltweit bald wieder etwas entspannt und wir alle wieder der Leidenschaft für Livemusik, Konzerte und Festivals nachgehen können. Bleibt gesund und gebt auf euch acht!
Rock Werchter 2021 – Offizielles Veranstalter-Statement
Rock Werchter will not take place this summer. The four-day music festival will be back in full swing in 2022, from 30 June to 3 July.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly and in recent months we have been talking to governments, experts and colleagues in here and elsewhere about how festivals could take place. With the great momentum on vaccine rollout, we had hoped that it might be possible, however we have come to the reluctant conclusion that given current restrictions we simply cannot prepare for a 2021 festival in the normal way. We want every fan and artist to enjoy the festival to the fullest, and with the current situation we could not achieve this for you.
Whilst we know that this is the right decision, we also know that this decision affects many: our employees, the technical crew, suppliers, artists and their entourages, all the local associations and their volunteers, and of course the fans. Our sector has been on hold for a whole year now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the dark times are not over, even with the cautious restart happening soon. The once thriving live music industry needs government support. Belgian festivals are internationally renowned.
We have a special word of thanks to you, our fans and friends of the festival: YOU ROCK WERCHTER. Every time. Over and over again. You kept hoping during the dark days, showed understanding over the uncertain situation, and gave support to each other and to us. We cannot thank you enough. We look forward to making great memories together again in the future.
Rock Werchter will be back next year, in full swing and even much better than that. Some of the planned Rock Werchter 2021 acts will appear. New names will be added to the 2022 line-up too. The line-up and practical information will be revealed later. But you can make a note of these dates now. Strong as ever, we will be back from Thursday June 30 to Sunday July 3, 2022. Ticket holders will be contacted shortly by our ticket partner, Ticketmaster. They can choose to retain their ticket, carry it over to 2022, or ask to be given a credit to the value of their booking. This credit can be spent on any of the festivals that will take place at the Festivalpark in Werchter in 2021 and 2022. Ticket sales for Rock Werchter 2022 will resume later this year.
We believe in better times ahead. Summer, live music, and Werchter adds up to magical possibilities. We are eager to bring back live music to the Festivalpark this summer in any way we can and are currently working out what will be possible with the anticipated restrictions in place. As soon as the right and best formula is determined, we will come back to you. It won’t be Rock Werchter but you can rest assured that we will sing, dance, and celebrate together again this summer. Watch this space and long live live music.
Take care, stay safe. Everything is gonna be alright.