Kein Orange-Feeling dieses Jahr – Roskilde Festival 2020 Absage

Leider mussten die Veranstalter das Roskilde Festival 2020 auf Grund der Auswirkungen um das Coronavirus absagen.

Ende Juni bis Anfang Juli, vom 27.6 bis 4.7. sollte das dänische Non-Profit-Festival – das Roskilde Festival 2020 – an den Start gehen. Dafür wollten knapp 150.00 Musikfans aus der ganzen Welt in die kleine Stadt Roskilde nahe Kopenhagen pilgern. Doch die aktuell unsichere Lage rund um alle Auswirkungen des Coronavirus (COVID-19) sorgen dafür, dass alle kleinen und großen Veranstaltungen vorerst nicht planmäßig stattfinden können. Das Land Dänemark hat nun über die weiteren Maßnahmen zur Pandemie-Eindämmung nach Ostern entschieden, das Großveranstaltungen bis Ende August 2020 nicht zugelassen werden können, da diese noch ein großes Verbreitungsrisiko beinhalten.

Schweren Herzens haben sich daher nun die Veranstalter des beliebten Open-Air Event mit einem Statement und der offiziellen Absage vom Roskilde Festival 2020 gemeldet. Für die 50. Jubiläumsausgabe waren bereits Künstler wie TLC, Taylor Swift, Kendrick Lamar, Tyler The Creator, The Strokes, Faith No More, Deftones, Thom Yorke, Pusha-T, Anderson .Paak, FKA Twigs, Tropical Fuck Storm, CHAI, Alex Cameron, Cage The Elephant und viele weitere gebucht. Einen Termin zum Nachholen der großen Festivalausgabe wird es leider nicht geben, erst im kommenden Jahr geht das Roskilde Festival wieder an den Start und zwar vom 26. Juni bis 3. Juli 2021!

Wir hoffen mit euch allen, dass sich die Lage weltweit bald wieder etwas entspannt und wir alle wieder der Leidenschaft für Livemusik, Konzerte und Festivals nachgehen können. Bleibt gesund und gebt auf euch acht!

Roskilde 2020 – Offizielles Statement

The Danish authorities have just prolonged its prohibition against larger assemblies until August 31st 2020. The prohibition also goes for this year’s Roskilde Festival. We are devastated.

Though we feared this would happen, we have until now hoped that it wouldn’t end this way. However, the risk of getting infected with the COVID-19 virus is too large when many people are gathered, and that consideration is by far the most important.

Consequently, there will be no Roskilde Festival this summer.

Roskilde Festival no. 50 was meant to be something very special. It was to mark and celebrate the roots of our festival by looking forward to the future. It should have been a celebration of art, community and of the urge to make a difference. A celebration of all that we so strongly need and seek in these unbearable times.

We were looking forward to celebrating it with you. We have worked hard and made an extraordinary effort. We know that your expectations have been sky high too. Together we have crossed our fingers and held our breaths in the hope that the situation would change for the better and in due time for us to meet this summer. Unfortunately, that wasn’t supposed to happen after all.

Roskilde Festival no. 50 must now wait until 2021.

If you have bought a ticket for the festival in 2020, you will be able to transfer it to Roskilde Festival 2021. Should you not wish to transfer your ticket can be reimbursed.

We will get back to you about the specific conditions regarding both transfer and reimbursement, as soon as the solution is ready. We kindly ask for your understanding regarding this.

However, most of all we ask for your support. You can make a huge difference for us by saying yes to being part of Roskilde Festival already now. By that, you will help secure the very foundation of the festival and get us through the difficult times that we are now facing.

Roskilde Festival is in an especially difficult position. We are a nonprofit organization who arranges a festival in order to collect money for initiatives support children and young people. Every year, all profits from the festival are donated in full to this purpose, which means that we don’t have big savings to draw upon. We start up from zero every year, so to speak

But this extremely serious situation has consequences stretching far beyond ourselves. Artists, suppliers, the volunteer societies, cultural partners, businesses, and organisations that are organizing the stalls, servicing the festival guests, securing production and supplies, or are contributing to the festival program; they will all be severely affected. Many of them are already suffering by the current situation.

Ultimately, the Roskilde Festival Society, the organization behind the festival, will not be able to live up to its purpose of supporting children’s and young people’s opportunities. This will affect a large number of organizations and initiatives in and outside of Denmark. They are also in extra need of help in these times.

This year’s festival could and should have been the light at the end of the dark tunnel that all of us are currently in. We will now gather with the artists, partners, suppliers, businesses, societies and organisations – all those that take part in creating Roskilde Festival. Together we will work hard on creating an outstanding Roskilde Festival no. 50 in 2021, securing that the orange light will shine bright and strong all the way to the summer of 2021.

Roskilde Festival is here all through the year! Right now, we need to recover from the news. Then we will back.
Thank you for your support and love. Take good care of yourselves and each other.

Foto: stagr / Marten Körner (Roskilde Festival 2017)